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Dovetail Tachinomi

Standing Bar Dovetail is back! 🍺

The soba noodle demonstration at 2pm is a ticketed event.

Join us as we turn our taproom into a Japanese-style standing bar, or tachinomi, for an afternoon! These bars are unique to Japanese beer drinking culture—a simple bar with no stools, where you stop by for a round, make some conversation with your fellow beer drinkers, have a snack, and be on your way.

At our tachinomi, we’ll be welcoming back Zigmas Maloni of Beermiscious as our guest tapster for the afternoon. A beer service geek like us, Zigmas is versed in different ways beer is poured around the world, and for this event, he’ll be on hand to pour Dovetail Lager in the Japanese “sharp-pour.” Like the Czechs, Japanese bartenders revere foam, and have developed their own unique style of service to showcase that.

We’re also very excited to welcome back Mariko Kallister, who will demonstrate the art of soba noodle making to the audience. At the conclusion of her soba performance, we’ll all get to taste the fresh soba—a very rare thing for those of us in Chicago! Mariko is a Soba Master who has been making soba for more than 10 years, training under “the God of Soba Noodles,” Kunihiro Takahashi. She is also a former sake brewer, spending time at the influential sake brewery, Dassai.

Following the demonstration, we’ll open up the Tachinomi to the public to enjoy Japanese-style pours for the rest of the day—so let your friends know they can come meet you!

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